Hylia's Corner

Hello, everyone!

Hylia here (real name: Levi I.), a current compsci major sophomore looking to leave something behind. This is both my personal blog, Hylia's Corner, and my portfolio for graphic design, coding projects, and (soon-to-be) games or other creative projects.

  • What are you working on right now? Getting this website fully fleshed out, mainly.
  • What are you currently playing/reading/listening to? Backloggd, Hardcover, and last.fm will probably be more updated, but the last time I edited this website…
    • ...the main game I’m playing is Resident Evil 4 (2005), developed by Capcom Production Studio 4.
    • ...the main books I’m reading are The Bright Sword by Lev Grossman and Avatar: The Last Airbender - The Shadow of Kyoshi by F.C. Yee.
    • ...the main artist I’m listening to is Kendrick Lamar. 🐐
  • I’ve seen you before! I know you from…
    • …fighting game tournaments/communities? I’m the owner of Lifelight Café, host of Sandbag Series/Circuit, Roastfall, Latte Night Grind, and more. I’ve hosted many other large tournaments like Domic’s Atomic Arena.
    • …nice graphics I’ve seen! I appreciate your kindness! I do graphic design commissions, which you can read more about here.

Explore the site to your heart's content, though things are still moving around. I'll update this once things are tidier, but for now, have a good one and write something today.

Hylia's Corner (my blog)

Scribbles and essays about creating something in the world (and guilty pleasures).

A notebook titled Skiptrace/VGDO Game Jam is open on someone's lap outside in grass.

Skiptrace jam devlog (P2): plumbing to foundation

all-eyes-on-me games devlog

This might actually go well! or; how houses can help us make games.

A tired bear sits down within a circle as stage curtains cover the background.

Next mission: entering a game jam

all-eyes-on-me games devlog

This might not go well.

A picturesque valley showcasing majestic mountains and lush forests, creating a serene and captivating landscape

Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots: The Petals Live On

games feature

Guns of the Patriots is watching "Metal Gear" be at its finest: overambitious, wordy, expressive, emotional, and ever-striving to make an impression. I wish it wanted me to actually play it.